Never Touch Fiat Again

Burning FIAT...

About NTFA

Never Touch FIAT Again: Gold bullion with Collectible NFTs

Never Touch Fiat Again is a pilot NFT project utilizing Mattereum Real World NFT legal contracts to ensure rights of real world assets, such as bars of gold, with NFTs and wrap them in collectible Art NFTs.

NTFA Presents a novel idea for an NFT.

  • Buy the NFT, and you can get your specific real bar of gold and another NFT for turning in the NFT through the Claims Process!
  • NFT owner's have legal rights to the gold, and can request shipping. Exit to gold!
  • We partner with Lohko Inc and Mattereum to ensure a seamless and legal transition of rights.
  • Matteruem has refined the legal agreement between parties and will act as arbitration in the event of any disputes.
  • Lohko will act as the custodian of the gold asset and handle claiming process.

In a world where people question the value of an NFT, NTFA is pushing the boundary of what an NFT can be.

We created a set of unique collectible gold bars that lets you have your NFT and GOLD BAR TOO!

The Genesis set offers 3 different sizes of gold and digital tokens; 100 grams, 50 grams and 1 oz of gold.

To claim the gold your NFT must be turned in!!!

Once turned in and upon confirmation you will receive a "burned" version of the NFT which no longer has rights to the asset!

  • The minting order of the burned tokens is based on the order of claims.
  • More than just a pretty picture, our NFTs provide multiple utilities.
  • We partner with amazing artists to do exclusive gold back NFTs!
  • Ethereum and NFT empowers us to support artists and creative people like you!
  • Who needs paper money, Never Touch Fiat Again!
  • Thank you for your support!


Bitcoin & Gold

Bitcoin & Gold

  • Bitcoin is based on cryptographically proven randomness and scarcity over time.
  • Gold is a rare earth metal used in countless tools, jewelry and as a store of wealth.
  • NFTs are ownable digital records used to store information.

What is your Dollar?

NFTs can prove ownership of pretty much anything, like for example gold.

Fiat becomes dirty money when the printers go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

Where did all that money come from?!

The best way to keep your hands clean is to...

Never Touch FIAT Again

Gold and Art are a perfect match. Be rich and look good doing it! While the world crumbles, you can be a golden space cowboy!

Never Touch Fiat Again
HomeAbout NTFABurn FIATLegalMattereum

Copyright 2025 NTFA Limited. All rights reserved. NTFA Limited is a company registered in Hong Kong (Company No. 3048511)

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Mattereum is a trading name and registered trademark of MTRM Industries Limited, registered in England company number 10899201.
VAT registration number: GB 283834768.
Registered office: 69 Kingfisher Heights, Waterside Way, London, England, N17 9GL.

🎉 We're on Mainnet!! 🎉